Place a torn corner from a card or folded bill on top of a plastic ID holder and right in front of your spectator’s eyes, it immediately melts inside magically. This is quick, certain and visual enchantment.
Here is a eloquent looking solid through solid type of magic effect called Trespassing by Smagic Productions .
This trick looks so great that it resembles a special effect, and leaves an stunning impact on your gathering of people.
Your spectator can see the effect throughout, as it’s quite visual. Yet, they can verify that it actually occurred right after the performance without a hint of the secret!
Simply envision: you place a part of a card, or a folded money bill, on top of an ID holder. Just wave your hand over, and it immediately goes inside the ID holder! Fast, clear, and visual.
Your observer may open and check the ID by themselves. They won’t find anything, as this is a totally customary ID holder!
More critical, your hands are absolutely void and clean.
Basic, yet exquisite.
It’s anything but difficult to perform – no muddled aptitudes required.
You could utilize this ID holder regularly for yourself and do the trap all of a sudden at whatever time, anyplace. Also, you could reset and re-try the trap again and again.
Watch the demo video of the Trespassing trick above.
Great trick for Street Magic. Walk around and perform for your amazed crowds
Note: Comes in DVD case. Does not include a DVD.
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